Problems Are just Solutions Waiting to Be Discovered
Everybody can benefit from having good problem
solving skills as we all encounter problems every day; some of these problems
are obviously more severe or complex than others.
In this homework #02, you need to identify problems and briefly
describe them. Read the instructions:
( ) First, find old newspapers, magazines or
research in the Internet with the help of an adult; then cut off pictures and
photographs that show examples of problems being solved. You need about five
different problems;
( ) Second, glue each picture on A4 papers and write a brief description of what each problem is and
how is being solved;
( ) Third, write the
Homework Title and number on the very top of the paper, write your name and
date. (If you prefer, print this
for the cover, and just add your name and date). Then, ask one of your parents to check if you have done it all complete;
( ) Last, since we are
to share our work, rehearse and practice a little to present it in class.