Sunday, February 19, 2017

Math Homework #04 (Analyzing Bar Graphs) Due February 27.


First, use a cm ruler in order to copy the Bar graph 01 and Bar Graph 02. Copy the bar graphs in one separate sheet of paper each.

Second, carefully analyze the two bar graphs before you write some questions;

Third, write 5 questions about bar graph 01 and answer the questions;

Then, write 5 questions about bar graph 02 and answer the questions;

Last, make a one-page cover for your homework. Include:

Your Name:


Homework Number:

Homework Title:

Bar Graph (Sample used in class)

Bar Graph 01

Bar Graph 02

Friday, February 17, 2017

Math Word Problems

Exercise 01
                                 Exercise 02

                                Exercise 03
                                  Exercise 04
                                Exercise 05

                               Exercise 06

                              Exercise 07

                            Exercise 08
                            Exercise 09
                               Exercise 10
                               Exercise 11

Plant Parts and Their Functions

The Story of Romulus and Remus

The Legend of Romulus and Remus Storyboard

Ancient Rome: Romulus and Remus

Read more at:

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Rome was a kingdom for about 200 years.

Rome did not spring into being as a power on the Italian peninsula.  It began as a tiny village along the Tiber River.  It was an excellent location.  The soil was good so crops could be grown easily.  It was surrounded by 7 hills, offering a natural defensive barrier.  And of course, it was on a river giving it water for drinking and bathing as well as an easy way to trade.  With all these advantages, it grew quickly.

Native Americans for Kids

People lived in the United States long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus and the Europeans.
Native Americans for Kids

Read more at:

Sunday, February 12, 2017

SCI Homework #03 due February 20

Instructions: Copy the exercises, answer the questions, and fill out the blanks.

  • 1.  Plants use energy from the _____________ to make food.
  • 2. The ______________ of a plant absorb and store nutrients and support or anchore the plant.
  • 3. Photosynthesis is how plants make their own ___________________.
  • 4. The _______________ of plants take in carbon dioxide from the air that animals give off.
  • 5. Plants give off ___________________ which animals and people breathe in.
  • 6. Plants need  _________________ or they might wilt.
  • 7. What are three (3) parts of a plant?
    • A. Stem
    • B. Flower
    • C. Rose
    • D. Leaf
  • 8. The flower is the part of the plant that grows two (2) things:
    • A. Nectar
    • B. Fruit
    • C. Seed
  • 9. The ________________ grows above the ground and is the main part of the plant.
  • 10. The ________________ is where the plant makes food.
  • 11. The ________________________ grows under ground.
  • 12. What three (3) ways do humans use plants ?
    • A. Food
    • B. Shelter
    • C. Sleeping
    • D. Medicine
  • 13. What three (3) plants do humans use for food ?
    • A. Corn
    • B. Grass
    • C. Peanuts
    • D. Sunflowers
  • 14. Animals eat _______________ to servive.
  • 15. Animals need ____________________ from plant to breathe.
  • 16. Plants provide _________________ and warmth for animals to live.
  • 17. List three (3) ways plants help the environment and humans ?
    • A. Plant roots hold soil together to prevent erosion
    • B. Plants provide oxygen for humans to breathe
    • C. Plants smell nice
    • D. Plants provide food
  • 18. What three (3) things do plants need ?
    • A. Water
    • B. Insects and birds to pollenate flowers
    • C. Shade
    • D. Carbon dioxide (from animals and humans)
  • 19. What three (3) things to animals need ?
    • A. Food from plants
    • B. Oxygen from plants
    • C. Thorns
    • D. Shelter and warmth
  • 20. What was the best thing you liked about plants ? Explain, give examples and make beautiful drawings. 

Plants play very important role on earth.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Homework #02 Due February 13th

Problems Are just Solutions Waiting to Be Discovered
Everybody can benefit from having good problem solving skills as we all encounter problems every day; some of these problems are obviously more severe or complex than others.

In this homework #02, you need to identify problems and briefly describe them. Read the instructions:

(    )  First, find old newspapers, magazines or research in the Internet with the help of an adult; then cut off pictures and photographs that show examples of problems being solved. You need about five different problems;

(    ) Second, glue each picture on A4 papers and write a brief description of what each problem is and how is being solved;

(    ) Third, write the Homework Title and number on the very top of the paper, write your name and date. (If you prefer, print this for the cover, and just add your name and date). Then, ask one of your parents to check if you have done it all complete;

(     ) Last, since we are to share our work, rehearse and practice a little to present it in class.

Bill Nye The Science Guy - Waves

Waves: 4th Grade Real World Science and Experiments

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Homework #01 due Monday, February 6th

Who Am I?
Write a short text about you. Tell your teacher and your classmates about you. Illustrate your work, draw some pictures and if possible, have a photo of you attached to your work.

Dear student, from now on, you must check homework instructions and homework due dates on our homework blog/site. Any information will be available for you there. We are to assign homework lessons every Monday. It means that you will have one entire week to finish and hand in your homework assignment for teacher’s check. If you have any doubt about your homework, in class please, ask your teacher for help.

This is our blog/site: